
When Do You Need Embassy Attestation And Why Is It Important?

Attestation is the process of validating the authenticity of a document before producing it to any authority for any official or legal purpose. It is done through various stages of the attestation process by different authorities at different levels before producing your document for the final stage of embassy attestation. It provides legitimacy to your documents in a foreign country when you travel abroad for different purposes.

Embassy attestation is done by the respective embassy /consulates in your country with the sign and stamp after the state and MEA attestation. Depending on your purpose of visit and visa type, you will need embassy attestation services for the following document:

  • Birth certificate
  • Education certificate
  • Marriage certificate
  • Professional documents
  • Work experience certificates
  • Company/Business documents, etc.

You will need embassy attestation when:

  • You are migrating to a foreign country to live with your family or spouse and applying for the family/resident visa for the same. You will need to get your birth certificate or marriage certificate attested from the respected embassy of the country where you are moving.
  • You are migrating to a foreign county for your higher studies; you will need embassy attestation for your educational certificate and other important documents for the official use. You will need this to apply for your student visa.
  • You are setting up a new business abroad or applying for a work visa for your employment in a foreign country, you will be required to get your commercial/business/experience documents attested from the authorities for the legitimacy in a foreign country.
  • You are visiting a foreign county for a medical reason; your medical certificates and other related documents should be attested by the respected embassy in order to get your visa.

There are many other purposes when you will need embassy attestation services for visa application when going abroad. Here are some reasons why embassy attestation is important:

  • Embassy attestation is important for your visa application process to authenticate your documents submitted for visa approval in respected categories. Your visa application will be approved only when your documents have been verified and attested by the respected authorities.
  • It is important to avoid any type of travel obstruction and legalize your stay in a foreign country for your purpose.

When you are looking for embassy attestation UAE, you have to go through a time-consuming and complex attestation procedure.  It is processed by the government-approved attestation services as per your requirements. The attestation service provider picks up your document from your place and delivers it back to you after the attestation by following the whole process. Professional

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