Legalizing Your Marriage Certificate in India: A Step-by-Step Guide to Attestation

Legalizing Your Marriage Certificate in India: A Step-by-Step Guide to Attestation

Marriage certificate attestation is a crucial step in the process of legalising a marriage certificate for use in another country. In today’s globalized world, couples frequently relocate abroad for professional, educational, or personal reasons. In such cases, the marriage certificate needs to be verified and legalised to ensure that it is recognized as a valid document in the destination country.

Marriage certificate attestation is a process that involves verifying the authenticity of the marriage certificate and legalizing it through a chain of attestation from various authorities. This makes sure that the document can be used for official or legal purposes in the country where it is going. Depending on the country and the reason for using the marriage certificate, there may be different rules for attestation services. It is important to follow the rules to avoid any legal problems.


I. What is Marriage Certificate Attestation?

II. Why is marriage certificate attestation important?

III. Who can get their marriage certificate attested in India?

IV. What documents are required for marriage certificate attestation?

V. How long does it take to get a marriage certificate attested in India?

VI. Is marriage certificate attestation required for all countries?

What is Marriage Certificate Attestation?​

Mariage certificate attestation is the process of verifying the authenticity of a marriage certificate by a government-authorised agency to ensure that the information contained in the certificate is true. This process involves making sure that the document is real and legal so that it can be used in another country. In cases where the country is a member of the Hague Convention, the process is called an apostille marriage certificate. Attestation of a marriage certificate is basically a way to verify the document so that it can be used legally and officially in other countries.

In India, attestation of a marriage certificate is done so that it can be used as proof of a marriage in legal and official situations. For example, you need it to get a visa, apply for a passport, transfer property, and do other things that are similar. In these cases, the government needs a marriage certificate that has been signed by an official to show that the applicant is married.

The process of marriage certificate attestation in India typically involves the following steps:

State Attestation: The State Home Department (SHD) of the state where the marriage certificate was issued first attests it. The issuing authority verifies the signature and seal of the certificate and attests to it.

MEA Attestation: After the state attestation, the marriage certificate is sent to the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), which checks the state attestation and attests the certificate. This is required for all certificates being used outside of India.

Embassy/Consulate Attestation: Lastly, if the marriage certificate is going to be used in a country outside of India, the embassy or consulate of that country in India must attest it. The embassy verifies the Globoprime attests the certificate.

Why is marriage certificate attestation important?

Attesting a marriage certificate is important for a number of reasons, especially if you want to use it for official or legal purposes in another country. Here are some of the key reasons why marriage certificate attestation is important:

  • Legal Validity: Marriage certificate attestation verifies that the certificate is authentic and legally valid. It serves as proof that the couple is legally married and the information in the certificate is true.
  • Authentication: Attestation ensures that the certificate is genuine and issued by a government-authorised agency. This helps prevent fraud and forgery, thereby maintaining the integrity of the document.
  • Acceptance: In many cases, authorities in other countries require an attested marriage certificate to verify the marital status of the applicant. Marriage certificate attestation ensures that the document will be accepted and recognized by foreign governments and institutions.
  • Visa and Immigration: Many countries require an attested marriage certificate as part of the visa and immigration application process. Without attestation, the application may be rejected, causing delays and complications.
  • Property and Inheritance: In cases where the marriage certificate is used for transferring property or inheritance, attestation helps to establish the legitimacy of the claim and ensures that the transfer is legally valid.

Attestation of a marriage certificate is important for legal validity, acceptance, visa and immigration, property, inheritance, and other reasons. It makes sure that the certificate is legal and that authorities in other countries will accept it.

Who can get their marriage certificate attested in India?

In India, a valid marriage certificate from a government-approved agency can be “attested” by anyone who has it. This includes both Indian citizens and foreign nationals. But the exact requirements and steps for attestation of a marriage certificate may change based on the reason for attestation and the country where the certificate will be used.

For example, if you need to get a visa or move to a different country and need to have your marriage certificate attested, the requirements may be different from one country to the next. If the certificate is for property or an inheritance, the specific requirements may depend on the laws of the state where the property is located.

In India, a person must first apply to the State Home Department (SHD) of the state where the certificate was issued for attestation at the state level. After attestation at the state level, the certificate needs to be sent to the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) for attestation at the MEA level. Lastly, if the certificate is going to be used in a country other than India, it must be attested by the embassy or consulate of that country in India.

What documents are required for marriage certificate attestation?

The documents required for marriage certificate attestation may vary depending on the purpose of attestation and the country where it will be used. However, in general, the following documents are required for marriage certificate attestation in India:

  • Original Marriage Certificate: The original marriage certificate issued by the government-authorized agency needs to be presented for attestation.
  • Passport: The applicant’s passport, which should be valid and have a minimum of six months validity, is required for identification purposes.
  • Aadhaar Card: In some cases, an Aadhaar card or other government-issued ID card may be required as a secondary form of identification.
  • Application Form: A filled-out application form, which can be obtained from the relevant authorities or attestation service providers, is required.
  • Fees: Applicable fees for attestation are also required.
  • Other Documents: Depending on the specific requirements for the purpose of attestation, additional documents such as a copy of the spouse’s passport, photographs, or a declaration form may be required.

How long does it take to get a marriage certificate attested in India?

How long it takes to get a marriage certificate attested in India depends on many things, such as the reason for the attestation, the issuing authority, the state where the certificate was issued, and the amount of work at the attesting authority.

In general, the time taken for marriage certificate attestation in India can range from a few days to several weeks or even months. The state-level attestation can take anywhere from 1–5 working days, depending on the state. The MEA-level attestation can take another 2-5 working days, depending on the workload at the MEA.

If the certificate needs to be sent to the embassy or consulate of a foreign country for attestation, the processing time can vary depending on what that embassy or consulate needs and how to attest marriage certificate in uae.

Is marriage certificate attestation required for all countries?

Not all countries require attestation of a marriage certificate, but many do when the certificate needs to be used for legal or official purposes. Depending on the country and the reason for the attestation, the exact requirements can be different.

For example, if an Indian couple wants to get a dependent visa to go to the United States, they will need to show a marriage certificate that has been signed by the right people in India. If an Indian couple wants to live in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), they will need to provide an attested marriage certificate as part of the visa application process.

The level of attestation needed can also change the requirements for marriage certificate attestation. Some countries only need an attestation from the state, while others may also need an attestation from the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) or the embassy or consulate of the destination country.


Marriage certificate attestation is a legal process that makes sure a marriage certificate is valid and can be used in another country. With the increasing trend of globalization and mobility, more and more couples are finding the need to legalize their marriage certificate for various purposes such as immigration, education, work, or personal reasons. The attestation process involves a chain of checks by different authorities to make sure that the document is real. This is important to avoid legal problems and make sure that the document will be accepted in the destination country. Couples must follow the necessary steps and requirements to get the attestation, which can be different depending on where they are going and what they will use it for. By legalizing their union through marriage certificate attestation, couples can navigate the complexities of international legal systems and ensure their marriage is recognized and respected around the world.

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