A Few Reasons to Hire Legal Translation Services

A Few Reasons to Hire Legal Translation Services

Whether you are hired to work in a foreign country or looking to buy or sell property overseas, you will likely need a professional legal translation service. Even if you are well-versed with the foreign language, it will difficult for you to present the documents as every country expects. It’s because the law is complex and a single mistake can ruin all your plans.

Other than the strictness of the legal systems of different countries, hiring legal translation services is important for the following reasons.

Google translator is not a legal translator

In this digital world, people believe technology is everything. Most of them use Google translator for translating legal documents and think it’s accurate. We already said that legal documents contain arcane language and specialized terms that are difficult to translate even for well-educated people. So, the software is nowhere on the list if you expect accuracy. You need specialized professionals for legal translation services.

Increases credibility

You can save a few bucks by getting your legal documents translated by a friend, co-worker, or Google translator but it’s not a guarantee that the translation will be accurate. If the documents are poorly translated with no similarity with legal requirements, it will be considered fake with legitimacy. The document will not be credible to present as proof in any situation.

Provides personalized service and attention

Dealing with government bureaucrats is not easy, especially in a foreign country. It would be difficult for you to understand the language and legal requirements and would feel lost and alone. Even a mistake pops out in your legal document, the officials will not extend their help. But if the professionals are on your side, they will answer all the on your behalf and keep you relieve your stress. They will understand your needs and take every step as per your requirements and expectations.

These are the 5 reasons you need legal translation services for yourself. Along with these, hiring a professional service will be time-saving and cost-saving for you. Their expertise will complete the task in minimum time and avoid any extra expense due to no or fewer mistakes.

Advantages of Hiring a Legal Translation Service for Your Translation Project

The words you convey mean everything when you work in the legal field. Due to this, it is important that every legal translation word has to be accurate and conveys your message correctly. In such cases, legal translation services come in handy to provide the accuracy and reliability you deserve.

There are many foreign documents that require to be translated within the norms and laws of the respective country’s criminal and civil systems. Apart from these, many businesses require their documents to be translated too from time to time. So, by hiring the services of a legal document translation company, you tend to make everything easier for you.

There are a number of benefits of hiring a professional legal document translator, and some of the significant ones are mentioned below.


One of the most significant benefits of hiring the best document translation services is that these professional translators tend to keep the content of the documents between them and you alone. You would not have to worry about getting your personal and private documents leaked somewhere.


Apart from the confidentiality that a legal translator provides you, they also tend to give you the advantage of having fluent skills in the language that you require your documents to be translated into. These professional translators tend to have immense knowledge of the legal terminology to use so that they know the correct terms to use in appropriate places.

Different types of documents

Whether you want some business documents to translate, or some legal ones, or even write a translated version of your application for any purpose, you can always count on these professional translation services.

Cultural differences:

When you wish to have your document translated, you would also want the translation to be culturally fruitful appropriate to the language and place. Simply translating the content does not signify that the message would be the same for a totally different culture. So, a professional translation service would be able to break down this barrier of cultural difference and provide you with enough capability and knowledge to translate the content effectively keeping in mind the audience or readers you are trying to reach.

Certified quality:

It could be difficult to find the time and the energy to focus on extra qualities that can make your business grow and b successful. By giving your translation projects to certified translators, you are likely to get quality translation services in Dubai from these professionals.

So, these were some of the many benefits you are bound to get if you invest in a professional translation service. However, it is necessary that you choose a reliable and experienced translation service in order to avail these benefits.


What to Look for in a Document Translation Service Provider

Professional document translation is more than simply translating the words from one language to the required language. Document translation requires expertise in the required language and also the right academic background to understand the nuisance of different languages and types of documents.

If a document is in an informal tone, it must not render formal tone after translation and vice-versa. Besides, a translator well-versed in one type of document doesn’t mean that they could excel in another type of document as well. For instance, a translator with a legal background cannot translate medical records effectively and efficiently.

So, whenever you need document translation you should carry out due diligence before giving your documents for translation.

Here are a few things that you should consider to ensure that the document translation is done the right way:

Practice Confidentiality:

The first concern with document translation is confidentiality. Whether you need educational certificates, thesis, legal documents, medical papers, or business records to be translated into another language, the content of the document must be kept confidential and safe. A good document translator always observes the security and privacy guidelines required for a particular category of document.

Plus, they should also share the protocols being followed with you as a client so that you can be confident in sharing your documents for translation.

Follow Strict Deadlines:

Not being able to present your translated document on time might mean losing a big opportunity. What if you need to submit your educational certificates for admission and it is the last date for document submission or if you need to present documents in ongoing court proceedings or before the stakeholders during an important meeting. It might lead to irreparable damage. For all these kinds of situations, timing plays a crucial role. Thus, document translators must adhere to the strict deadlines provided by the clients.

Accurate Translation:

The translated document must demonstrate accuracy as even a single mistake can change the meaning of an entire sentence and may leave an irreversible effect on the person to whom the document needs to be presented. Document translators must be familiar with the relevant terminology. They should ensure that the true meaning and tone of the content must not be lost after translation.


Once documents are translated, translators must proofread before delivering them to clients. They should make sure that documents in the target language are unconditionally the same. Moreover, as a check, they should attempt to translate the content back to the original language to see if there are any irregularities.

To ensure that your documents are translated correctly, you should look for a document translation service provider that has a good track record and is known for higher customer satisfaction.

How Can a Certified Translator Be Helpful When Preparing to Study Abroad?

A dream of studying at a foreign university is beautiful, but preparing for the same is a big task. People often consider the obvious challenges like securing a house, opening a foreign account, learning the language, and knowing the cultural differences. But, before encountering these challenges, there are still some critical tasks that you need to handle when preparing to study abroad. You require documents to apply to the university in the language that the country accepts. And for these tasks, you will need the service of a certified translator.

People often think that its no big deal in translating a document. They will use online translating tools and print the documents in whichever language they feel like. But, unfortunately, these translated documents will be of no use. It’s because they are not certified and attested from the authorized bodies.

We will explain the process with an example:

 If you are applying for a university in the UAE from Italy, your documents must be attested by the UAE Embassy in the country of origin. And next, it must be attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) in the UAE. After completing these two steps, your documents are ready for translation.

It’s a legal process and can only be possible if you hire translation services in Dubai from an experienced and registered company.  

Documents to be translated for applying in a foreign university

  • Birth certificate and passport for proving your identity abroad
  • Diploma and transcripts and high school certificates for proving your academic achievements
  • Immunization card and medical reports for proving you are physically fit and ensure you are allowed to travel abroad,
  • Other documents like academic papers etc asked by the university management.

Advantages of hiring translation services

Avoids mistakes in your document- Your admission to a new academic institution won’t be possible without the proper translation of all your academic records and legal papers. And, the smallest mistake in the documentation can wreck your plan to study abroad. The certified translators work with high-level attention and sensitivity depending on your country of origin and where you intend to study and avoid the mistakes in the documents.

Correct formatting in your documents- Based on standard requirements of the foreign university, the experts under translation services ensure that your documents are correctly formatted along with the accurate translation. Besides, properly-formatted documents ensure there will be no hiccups in the admission process and with any immigration requirements.

Now you know the importance of document translation when applying for foreign universities and need of hiring translation services from a certified company to complete the process. So, instead of considering other challenges, you should focus on documents and their translation to confirm your admission to the foreign university.

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